
Instructions for authors

Articles which have been published or accepted for publication in other journals or books will not be accepted by the editorial board.

Publication of the submitted article depends on the results of double-blind peer review process.

The article should be accompanied by an abstract in English of some 10 lines as well as by three up to ten keywords in English in alphabetical order.

The abstract should consist of a maximum of 100 words. Reviews of books and congress proceedings should present all necessary bibliographical data concerning the reviewed book, including place and dates of the congress in question.

The affiliation and the address of the contributor should be given at the end of the article or review as well as an e-mail contact. If necessary, another contact address may be provided.

Contributors are kindly requested to send their contributions by e-mail to

Style Sheet Rules

Contributions should be written in the text editor MS Word (.doc), in the Times New Roman 12 font, line spacing 1.5; pictures and graphs should be submitted separately in one of the following formats: jpg, tif, eps or gif.

Text to be italicized should be written italicized.

Text to be printed in expanded spacing should be written in expanded spacing.

Text to be underlined (examples from a corpus etc.) should be written underlined. Please, use bolding only in titles and subtitles.

At the end of the contribution, a complete list of the works referred to or cited should be given; in the body of the text a key reference should be provided with the surname of the author, the year of publication and the page referred to, e.g. (Kořenský, 2004, p. 76).

Complete bibliographical references should be given as follows:

  • Book
    Horvath, J. (1986): FOCUS in the Theory of Grammar and the Syntax of Hungarian. Foris: Dordrecht.
    Sgall, P. – Hajičová, E. – Panevová, J. (1986): The Meaning of the Sentence in Its Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects. Praha: Academia.
  • Article in a journal
    de Beaugrande, R. (1996): Funkce a forma v jazykové teorii a výzkumu. Slovo a slovesnost, 57, p. 1–29.
  • Article in a book
    Dočekal, M. (2004): Formální sémantika adnominálního genitivu. In: Z. Hladká – P. Karlík (eds.), Čeština – univerzália a specifika 5. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, p. 276–287.